Monday 15 May 2017

Studio Brief 04: Sticker Developments

Things to put on the stickers:

  • Success
  • Fail
  • Happened
  • Didn't happen
  • Too hungover
  • Went out last night instead
  • Got up on time
  • Was late
  • Watched Netflix instead
  • Did all the work
These are all of the possible things I could include on the stickers, I was aiming to create 3 different ones so students have a variation of them without having too many and they become pointless and unused by the students. They need to be able to be used on each day depending on what happens to the student, whether they attend the timetabled session or not.

I chose to create stickers using these 3 few words, I wanted to keep the writing on the stickers to a minimum to ensure they would fit and also be readable as I am unsure how big they will need to be, this will depend on the size of the boxes when they are printed to A3 size. I like how simple the stickers look and the colour choices as they will be visible on the poster itself.

Mock-up in Photoshop showing what the various stickers could look like once stuck on to the calendar, I think these work successfully because the colour is shown against the background and there are 3 different sticker choices for the student so they are not limited.

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