Saturday 13 May 2017

Design Principles- Exhibition Poster


I chose to create an exhibition poster for the Tate Modern, although I have never visited this gallery I am always intrigued by the various unusual exhibitions they put on. Deciding to call the exhibition Faces, meant for me I could make the design quite playful and something different to what I usually would design. After the other two briefs asking for consideration to grids and layout, especially keeping to a strict Marber grid for the Penguin book covers so I decided to break any kind of grid and layout for this poster design, I did however see how my poster design would look after I added rulers that would guide the poster design layout. The grid at first looks very complicated, however when you look closely at it, it becomes easier to see where you would place text and images.

Some typography and colour variations of my poster design.

After designing this poster, I then went back to re-edit it to add in a paper folding technique. After researching various kinds of looks and folding techniques I found a website that showed you how to create origami faces so I gave that a go, it also had a 5 minute video that showed you how to create the paper folded face which was also helpful.  

These are the finished outcomes, the website had the faces drawn on but I am going to use the design from the first poster attempt to keep the more abstract and unusual look to the exhibition poster.

Final poster design with the paper folded face, I really like how this poster has turned out and is a better version than the first because it relates more to the brief and does what we were asked to do, which was to include some form of paper folding technique on our A1 poster. I think this poster has worked really well and I am happy with how it has turned out, I think the style of poster really works well alongside the gallery and style of exhibition that it is. The poster will look really effective at A1 size with the face being central to catch attention straight away.

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