Monday 15 May 2017

Studio Brief 04: Poster and Sticker Printing

For the poster:

As the brief asks for 6 copies of the final outcome, I am going to use the digital print room to print out the calendars A3 size, glossy print. I thought about bringing my own paper and printing on to A3 card however I want these posters to be kept on a wall and there would be a risk of the card getting damaged, along with having the stickers to put on the poster too. Although this will cost me £9 to print out 6 copies, I know the quality of the prints will be to good standard instead of relying on uni printers.

For the stickers:

After spending some time considering how I could print the stickers, I found x20 A4 sticker paper on eBay for about £2, this meant each student would get a full A4 page of stickers to put on the calendar. The paper is also printable which meant I can print the designs straight onto it and print multiple copies.

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