Monday 15 May 2017

Studio Brief 04: Design Development and Colour

Keeping the poster black and white would make it very dull looking and wouldn't be appealing for a student to hang up in their halls or room. As the poster is designed for both male and female I did want to keep the colours very neutral and un-biased- having a pink background for the poster may not appeal to the male audience and I want the poster to be appreciated and used by both genders. So far I am leaning towards the third poster design to be the chosen colour variation because I think it works best as a background colour and with the illustrations included. I was keen to include some form of illustration on my poster design because it is my preferred way to work and my work rely's heavily on illustration, even though I am on a graphic design course I wanted to take it as an opportunity to highlight the variation of the course and how it allows you to work in any style, there are no limitations. 

When it comes to printing my outcome, I am going to use the drop off sessions within the digital print room because I know this will give my posters the highest quality as I will print them with a gloss finish. This will also work well alongside the stickers I am also going to print to go with the poster.

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