Saturday 13 May 2017

Design Principles- Booklet in InDesign

When I printed the first attempt of my booklet, I had no idea what pagination was or how it worked within InDesign so when I printed the matching pages of the booklet they did not match up at all. I want to now change the printing method of my booklet and not have any of the pages attached, the off white paper I also used did not work well for the Pantone colours featured on the pages so I want to use a full white paper stock and more of a thinner card compared to the thick-ish card used on the first attempt. 

I was inspired by this image on Pinterest and the use of foldback clips, within the studio at uni there are a lot of booklets hung up, so I thought by attaching the pages together with this then the booklet would be able to be hung up and looked at whenever. 

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