Wednesday 17 May 2017

OUGD406 Module Evaluation

Each of the briefs within OUGD406 I have enjoyed equally, I think 406 has been my most successful sets of outcomes compared to all of the previous projects because I have applied my own personal style of work to each brief and set myself no limitations. Studio brief 1 was something which I really enjoyed doing, I have always had a keen interest in book designs and layouts so when I finally had the opportunity to complete a brief which meant I could design a children’s book cover, I was extremely happy and at no point stuck for ideas. This was something I struggled with in previous briefs, which meant my outcomes were not as strong as those completed within this module. I was encouraged by Ben to work in a more illustrative style after completing the music themed zine for the object brief; this is strongly shown throughout this module and my ideas and outcomes are a lot more confident and well thought out because I have enjoyed doing them a lot more. Having the opportunity to finally do screen printing for brief 2 also meant that my work had some variation to it, the print room facilities were something that really drew me to attending Leeds College of Art, so finally completing the inductions meant I could begin to produce work using various techniques. Although the screen printing took me a while to get the hang of, I do think it will be something I will go back to within Level 5 because it will add a lot more variation to my work outcomes and I will be able to expand on the style of work produced as I think some of my previous designs would have worked well as screen prints. Moreover, although group work is something that I usually find quite daunting and would rather work on my own, the exhibition branding was a brief that I surprised myself in how much I enjoyed it. Having a group of other hard working, creative students meant the whole process was enjoyable start to finish and I would be really keen to take part in more group projects next year as it has really boosted my confidence and allowed me to get to know other classmates. After completing all the briefs for this module, I can confidently say my work has improved a lot more and the confidence I have gained can be seen within the final outcomes. Although it has taken me almost the whole of first year to properly settle in and really take advantage of the course and the college’s facilities, I do not see this as a bad thing as now I can carry on with this mind-set into level 5 and produce even more work that I can be proud of.

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