Saturday 13 May 2017

Design Principles Module Evaluation

Overall, I have really enjoyed the design principles module; each brief has excited me and allowed me to work in a style I have really enjoyed. After not being aware of this module at the start of the year and it beginning around October/November time I thought it was going to really impact on the workload along side the other modules, at the start it did not do this as it was fairly easy to keep on top of the workload. However, when the sessions stopped, we were only introduced to the module again a lot later on, closer to the final deadlines. This meant I began to struggle with the work load, alongside the confusion of what needed to be produced and handed in for the module, if spoke about a couple of months ago I think this module could have been a lot less stressful. Despite all of this, I have really enjoyed creating the outcomes for each brief as none of them have been at all repetitive and have required various skills and knowledge. In terms of knew knowledge for this module, I have learnt a great deal especially about layout and colour. The first couple of sessions of this module when we were introduced to Pantone and what needed to be included in the booklet lead to extensive research and reading into texts by Josef Albers and Muller Brockman about colour and grids. A lot of this I was not aware of before being introduced to this module and I have been especially interested in Pantone colour swatches because I have always found colour inspires the majority of my design work and now can use these various colour swatches within my work outside of design principles. Each page of the booklet lead me into various research, mostly colour like Klein Blue and the difference between RGB and CMYK, something which is incredibly important within design and the work I will produce in the future because I will need to know the differences of colours when it comes to print and screen. Moreover, the penguin book covers introduced me to Marber’s grid and the importance of the grid and layout when it comes to putting together a design, this has encouraged me to create my own grids for work produced in other modules. This module has been really enjoyable and I have learnt a great deal from it, this knowledge will come in use for future modules and briefs and can be applied to multiple things.

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