Saturday 13 May 2017

Design Principles- Submission Details

After confusion about what we are required to actually submit on the 16th May, it has finally been cleared up and made clear what we need to produce.

 1. 5 x Presentation Boards
            1 -  Final outcomes to set briefs
            2 – What you have learned about Type?
            3 – What have you learned about Layout?
            4 – What have you learned about Colour?
            3 – What have you learned about Format?
Your presentation boards should be produced at A2 Landscape format. You will need to submit these as PDF documents via ISSUU on your Studio Practice Blog.
IMPORTANT – you do not need to print your presentation boards for submission.
2. Your final Book / Publication - produced in response to Studio Brief …
3. PDF of your Studio Practice Blog – your blog should demonstrate your ongoing development, production and evaluation of work produced as part of this module. This should include clearly identified outcomes to set briefs and the design and development of your final presentation boards for submission. The final post to your blog should be the ISSUU based presentation of your final Boards for submission.
4. End of Module Self Evaluation  - further information will be sent out prior to Friday’s Session
5. Submission Label  - This will be available in the OUGD404 Design Principles module block after Friday’s Peer Review and Assessment Briefing

Producing just the 5 design boards across each brief makes it a lot easier to understand and producing them based on type, layout, colour and format is something quite different therefore will not be as repetitive. 

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