Sunday 1 October 2017

OUGD504- Research, Target Audience

While figuring out my exact target audience, I thought it would be appropriate to look into the Northern Quarter's social media, this way I can gage more of an idea who they target their events/shops/bars etc at, to ensure I create a guidebook that can be used and appreciated by the right group of people. 

Their 'About' section on the website says this:

"Welcome to The digital hub of Manchester's most vibrant and exciting community. We aim to provide news and information on all the latest developments, plus the best places to eat, drink and socialise. We'll preview upcoming events, gigs and nights out as well as any new openings."

From this small statement, the key bits of information that stand out is the emphasis on socialising. The NQ is full of bars and is very nightlife driven therefore an instant target audience that stands out to me would be 18-30 year olds. However, the primary images that I have taken around the NQ focus more on the creative side and the unique, arty shops that make the NQ so different compared to just the city centre itself.




The NQ social media accounts have not given me a lot to work from, they are very bog standard and quite boring, however their twitter and Facebook accounts are updated regularly with up-coming events so they will be useful to include within the guidebook. 

In terms of the social media accounts helping with my target audience I think it has reinforced the fact that a lot of students will be in and around the area as it is so close to the Universities so I think that targeting the guidebook at students that aren't from Manchester may be the best group of people to create the guidebook for.


  • Students that aren't from Manchester that may not be aware of the NQ
  • Ages 18-22 (maybe up to 25 for students studying masters)
  • Art/creative students that would benefit from the shops etc for inspiration/art supplies
  • Students could be given the guidebook by university
  • Given to all students not such art students to encourage more culture and creativity
  • Could be given to students at all universities in the North? (may be too excessive)

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