Thursday 5 October 2017

OUGD504- Hand Off

Today we were made aware that for this studio brief, we are no longer designing our own planned guide book but the plan of a partner who was randomly selected. This means all of our summer work will be handed over to them and they have to design our guide book. At first this concerned me as I had become excited to start working on creating this book but it was further explained by our tutors that this will give us an opportunity to see what it would be like working with a client and forming a professional relationship with our partner. 

Client/partner: Emma Blackman

Being sent Emma's brief idea has been really helpful because it has helped me really understand what she has been researching over summer and get to grips with what kind of content she wants it to include. She has informed me that her idea had changed quite quickly and now wants the content to be about the misconceptions of Canada's culture and to challenge the stereotypes that people have created surrounding the people and their culture.

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