Sunday 22 October 2017

OUGD504- Design Boards Planning

The design boards must demonstrate some sort of design process but that can be flexible to the outcome.

This brief should generally have the same form of structure, it should emphasise the process of problem solving, ideation and development, research and testing the effectiveness of design strategy.

Outline, explain and justify design decisions.

Should summarise content and the project documented on your blog.

Writing new content in highly concise form.

Only ideas that have impacted the outcome.

Each page should have distinctive process.

Should only contain a few short paragraphs each, focusing only on the important points that had an influence on the project.

Keep it visual.

Label each board clearly.

Idea Generation

Separate research into contextual and visual.

Interpretation of the brief within the project.

Concept board-outline the concept and how you got to it.

Contextual research, client industry etc.

Initial ideas, sketches, dart board layouts.

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