Sunday 1 October 2017

OUGD504- Research, Book Design



Whenever I start any kind of research into designs, I usually look at Pinterest because more than likely I will find something that will inspire my own design. As my work always embodies some kind of illustration into it, I thought these 3 existing guidebooks were a great starting point for inspiration.
Although this isn't exactly a guidebook, I was still drawn to this map designed by Saskia Rasink, primarily by the colours but when looking again I thought this could be a nice idea 
to adapt to the small map of the NQ to highlight the key areas of interest I intend the guidebook to include,
I am really keen to bring in elements of illustration within the book and this might be the perfect way to do

This second piece of research I came across is not a guidebook, its been designed for an estate agents, however what drew me to this was the idea of the separate postcards, something that I could also consider embodying within my guidebook. It could be small illustrations of the key places that people could use for postcards or posters.

Designed by Wladimir Marnich, a graphic designer originally from Chile but moved to Barcelona where he started his own design practice. I chose this particular guidebook because the minimalist 3 colours stood out to me while still maintaining an element of friendliness with the red handwritten font outlining what each page of the guidebook is about

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