Saturday 21 October 2017

OUGD504- Final crit

Although I was unable to be in the lesson for the final crit, I still knew the style of the crit was one in which you left questions for people to answer about your publication. I decided to do this myself and asked various peers these questions about my publication so I could then make the finishing touches to it before printing the final one.


Should I include a contents page or an introduction page? Does it suit the theme of the book?

  • I don't think this style of book needs a contents page but it could be used as a joke/misconception in itself.
  • Not a contents page but a formal introduction with text that misleads the reader into thinking its a guidebook.
  • Contents pages seem to be quite outdated now and not many publications include them so an introduction would be more appropriate.
  • The contents page could be made quite humorous as well as an introduction or either could work to mislead the reader into what the publication is about.

Do you think the content is suitable for the target audience, will they understand the jokes?

  • The content is appropriate for millennials because 'memes' are such a popular thing so they will find them funny.
  • I think the content will be amusing for the audience because they will begin to read the book and think its going to be something quite formal/informative yet there are jokes and memes on each page.
  • Yes the content is suitable for the target audience.
  • The jokes are appropriate for the target audience because they will understand them, these jokes were created by millennials so its the best content to include.

How do you think the book should be bound, is stitching or stapling appropriate to the theme and content?

  • Depends on the paper you print the publication on, if its a high quality paper then binding it will be the best option. 
  • Stapling would be suitable because the book is full of jokes.
  • Bind it by stapling to take the mick even more 
  • Either one will work, I don't think the binding on a publication like this is the most important thing

From the feedback I got, I was pleased that everyone seemed to like the publication and thought it was amusing. This was valuable feedback as my peers are included within the target audience age range so to know they understood the jokes in the book was good to know. Its good to know that I don't need to significantly change anything major in the publication but I think the next step is to create the other page that will be the introduction- this was the favoured page over the contents page as it was more appropriate to the theme and 'misconceptions' of the publication.

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