Thursday 5 October 2017

OUGD504- Hand Off Research

Having each of our blog addresses means we can both keep up with what one another are doing but it also helps with my research into Canada and Emma's book idea as I can now fully understand her ideas and content.

  • Canada’s name comes from a misunderstanding between Jacques Cartier and some Iroquois youth who were pointing out a village (for which they used the word “Kanata”). They were actually trying to identify the small area which is present day Quebec City, but Cartier used the similar-sounding word “Canada” to refer to the whole area.
  • Its always snowy
  • Milk only comes in bags
  • No guns
  • Toronto is the capital
  • Everyone speaks french
  • Everyone is polite 
  • Everyone plays hockey
  • Justin Beiber is the only Canadian celebrity 
Further content research:

  • Other Canadian celebrities: Ryan Gosling; Ryan Reynolds; Seth Rogan; Rachel McAdams; Avril Lavigne; Drake; Jim Carey and The Rock etc.
  • Capital is Ottawa 
  • Lacrosse is their summer sport and ice hockey is known as their winter sport, the most common sports are football, soccer, basketball, curling and baseball.

Weather in Canada today 5/10/17

  • "Most native speakers of the French language in Canada live in Quebec, where French is the majority official language. About 80% of Quebec's population are native francophones, and 95% of the population speak French as their first or second language."
  • Starting in 1979, individuals who wished to acquire firearms were required to obtain a firearms acquisition certificate ('FAC') from their local police agency. From 1995-2012, all firearms owners were required to possess a firearms licence (either a 'PAL', 'POL', 'FAC', or a 'minors licence') and all firearms were required to be registered. In April 2012, the requirement to register non-restricted firearms was dropped in every province and territory, except for Quebec; the requirement for all firearms owners to possess a valid firearms licence remains law.

On Emma's brief plan, there are 3 books selected as 'competition' so doing some research into these books may give me a better idea of the style of book but I may also know some other similar books that will give me inspiration.

1) How To Spot A Hipster by Jeremy Cassar and illustrated by Carla McRae

First impressions: 
This is definitely the style of book that first came to mind when the concept was being explained, the illustrations of characters with their characteristics alongside would be something that would work perfectly alongside the concept. As young adults are the ideal target audience, a book filled with illustrations like the one above will certainly appeal to them while maintaining the element of humour that is intended for the content. 

2) Sad Animal Facts by Brooke Barker

First impressions:
Similar to the previous book in the sense that it provides humour therefore appealing to its target audience. I think this again is a great book to look at for inspiration and design/content ideas because I could apply this idea to the content intended for the book and provide a small illustration for each misconception or stereotype. 

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