Monday 23 October 2017

ONLY Studio

Based in Manchester working with clients both nationally and internationally

Branding agency helping organisations to use design to develop and grow. They have 6 people working in the studio and they like to keep it at around that number.

Lost Village
Design Council

Design for screen:

Things they hear: I'm not very technical, I don't know how to code, I prefer print.
Its exciting: constantly evolving, fast-paced, endless opportunity.
Its important: primary means of consuming a brand, experimental/interactive, its here to stay.

Design Process:
Research (competitors, audiences, personas, principles)
Wire framing- involve developers and art directors (ideation, text assumptions, client buy-in)
Design- elaborate on the wire-framing and research, designs for 4 sizes, create prototypes
Font End- work with developers and talk to them about expectations, about being able to communicate what they are trying to do.

Created a design language and library
Created isolated patterns
Very focused on usability
Emphasise on visual language

University of Suffolk:
Achieved university status
Played on the fact no one knew where Suffolk was so referenced that in the square logo design
Used yellow to reference the Suffolk flag

Lost Village:
Abandoned village lost in time
Created own bespoke typeface

Invison- programme software
Wire framing part of the process is really important along with the research- need to even out the time spent on each thing.

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