Tuesday 24 October 2017

OUGD504- Initial Ideas

What is the problem?
  • Students are struggling with quick meal ideas
  • Always make the same meals and don't try something different
  • Too lazy to come up with a meal
  • Dont know what meal ideas to create with the ingredients they have
The Solutions:
  • An app for students where they can generate meal ideas by putting in ingredients which will then give you a meal idea to create
  • Aimed at students because most students have random food ingredients in the fridge and cupboard that they don't know what to make a meal of
  • The meals will be fairly simple and aim to keep them healthy
  • Create a free app so its easily accessible and downloadable 
  • The imagery will either be vector based or illustration, using photography will make it too complicated
  • Vegetarian/vegan (not much specifically out there for this)
  • Keep the app quite colourful so its not boring
  • Make sure the meals are kept at a low cost
  • Have different levels of difficulty on the app- easy, intermediate, hard
  • Give an option to plan meals for the week
  • Section that lets you write a shopping list
  • Pick meals you want and it creates a shopping list- then gives you the option to tick off what you already have
  • Ensure the instructions are kept really simple
  • Give students the option to make enough for the next day
  • Give them tips about the meals they are making 

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