Thursday 26 October 2017

OUGD504- Design Inspiration

Katie Vernon

This design that I found on Pinterest caught my eye instantly because it is very much similar to my style of work and the injection of simple colour doesn't overcomplicate the design. Bringing in elements of text to the design and adding the instructions to the image makes it a lot more interactive.

Charlotte Trounce

This design again is quite simple, the illustrations are very straight forward and you can instantly tell what the drawing is of. The only thing that I don't like on these particular illustrations is the text at the bottom, I think its quite hard to read because its extremely small.

Ryo Takemasa

I like this style because the images look almost vector with the sharp and smooth edges and simple design. The images also appear to have texture to them which adds a lot more dimension to them instead of them just being completely flat and 2D, it gives them a lot more character, almost more pleasing and appealing to the eye. Takemasa's work always uses texture within his images and I think this is something I am going to experiment with, especially with food illustration.

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