Thursday 26 October 2017

OUDG504- Target Audience research

Target Audience:


I intend to market/target this app for students, being a student myself I can fully understand the problem that I am going to address in order to complete this brief successfully. For an app, its important to have the target audience at the forefront of your mind all the time as they are the ones that will be using it. I think in order to get the necessary research in order to design this app in the best way possible I need to speak to students and work out/ask what they would want out of a cooking app and find out what daily problems they encounter when it comes to cooking a meal. In terms of the app design and marketing, its important to look at existing apps that these ages tend to use everyday and see what similarities they may have or what draws them into downloading the app in the first place. 

Most common apps used among 18-22 year olds:




Words with friends

These are the most popular and used apps among 18-22 year olds, its not surprising that these were the apps that came to light because I myself mostly use these on a daily basis and the majority of other students that are around me use them too. I think the thing that stands out most that all these apps have in common is that they are social and interactive with other people, it allows the user to have convocations and share their lives with other friends and people they know. Although my app is not directly a social media app, I can bring in elements of interaction with other students. 

To really understand what a student may want from this app, its best to ask questions and find out how they feel about cooking at uni...

What do you find difficult about cooking at uni?
  • Choosing what to make
  • The motivation to cook something after a long day
  • Choosing the right time to know when to start cooking and how long it will take
  • Choosing pasta all the time because everything else seems like a chore
  • Thinking of new meals and not making the same thing
  • Recipes with loads of ingredients in that will never get used again 
  • Making meals out of random things in your cupboard

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