Wednesday 17 October 2018

OUGD503: Module Evaluation

As this is the second time completing this module, it has made it a lot easier as I have been able to get my head around it more and understand what is needed in order to pass the module. Completing the briefs have been quite frustrating as I have enjoyed them and should have put my all in the first time around, however I think I have completed them successfully and to the best ability that I can. The individual practice side of the brief I think is where I have been at my strongest and have enjoyed the most. Creating a response to the penguin book cover competition has been the brief that I have enjoyed the most and definitely want to respond to this brief for a final time within level 6 as book cover design is something that really interests me. I do think the sustainability logo brief was probably my weakest out of the 3 individual practice briefs as I did find that one quite complicated and think I overcomplicated it further myself. Completing the collaborative brief was also something I have really enjoyed and more than I anticipated to as I usually worry about working alongside other people. However, I think this has given me a great opportunity to work with Rosie again for level 6 and help her further with other things. It has also been good for me to use Illustrator within this module as it is something I tend to put off but I know it will be useful in the long term for me to use a lot more instead of Photoshop.

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