Wednesday 17 October 2018

OUGD503: Collaborative Partner

Who: Rosie Verney
Occupation: Leeds Arts University Photography Student
Specialisation: Fashion Photography
Instagram: @rosievphoto

As this module is being completed as a re-submission, I have decided to complete a brief that isn't a competition. As I am good friends with Rosie we have previously discussed working together and now we have been given an opportunity to do so. Within Rosie's own studio briefs, they have been asked to collaborate with a graphic designer to create business cards for them- I thought I would take this opportunity to begin helping Rosie with this brief as I can use it within my own work and it will also benefit my practice. Within my briefs for level 6, I will be able to revisit this brief and expand on it by actually helping Rosie within the printing and stock of the business cards and even something further like a website.

In terms of what I will need to submit, I will be communicating a lot with Rosie, mostly through direct conversations but if not it will be through email. I will begin researching into card designs but also Rosie's style of work because it will be important to translate her personality onto the cards as they will be promoting her and her work.

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