Wednesday 17 October 2018

OUGD503: Business Card Research

As I am designing a business card for a photographer, I think its really important to get Rosie's personality to shine through and be reflected onto the cards because they are being used to get her jobs and work but they're also a personal thing and you would want your potential client to get a positive vibe from them.


How would you describe your style of work?

I would describe my style of work as high fashion style photography. I like to have good location, styling and makeup in my imagery and like to be creative rather than doing more straight e-commerce fashion shoots. I like to go bright and bold with colours and elements within my shoot so my images stand out.

If someone were to ask you 'what is your job/what do you do?' what would you say?

 I would say that my job is a freelance photographer. As I prefer to shoot fashion photography personally, but still do other commercial jobs in-between.

What are your main values of your work?

The main values of my work is to show the model’s personality through my images, even if they have to morph into a different character for a shoot. I still want to show what makes the model unique. 

Describe yourself in 5 words

Creative, Colourful, Hardworking, Loyal, Ditsy

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