Saturday 21 April 2018

OUGD505: Tote Bags and Evaluation

'Checklist Tote'

'Bee' Cruelty Free Tote'
These are the two final front and back designs for the studio brief 2. I am pleased with how these have turned out and I think they relate to the brief that I intended to respond to when I set out making these bag designs. The strong point is defiantly the catchy typography slogans that are on the bags as I think these will instantly catch the attention of both the consumers who want to buy the bags but also when they are out and about wearing them. Keeping them very minimal with the main focus on the slogans was a good idea. Again, it was important to have the cruelty free logo somewhere on the tote bag in order for people to be made more aware of what it looks like, I think if people saw the logo on the bags when they were being sold it would instantly make them aware and think about shopping for cruelty free products.
However, I would of loved to expand on this brief further and to have had the time to produce these tote bags, sadly this has let me down as I think I spent too much time on the research and brief 1 to properly turn these into a physical product. Despite this, I have enjoyed creating a product that has use for the consumer whilst also bringing awareness to a problem that I take very seriously and I would definitely consider producing these tote bags in my own time, perhaps to sell.
Overall, I have enjoyed this brief because I have been able to look at an issue thats incredibly close to my heart and something that I am really passionate about, I do think this has been reflected in my thorough research and my outcome (despite not producing them physically). Creating products with use and meaning has been something enjoyable and it has definitely made me relate this to my COP 3 for Level 6 as it is something I would be quite keen in looking into.

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