Monday 16 April 2018

OUGD505: Design Development SB1

Initial design sketches

These illustrations are just simple sketch ideas of symbols that could be used on the two embroidery hoops, I have drawn things related to the micro-genre's theme and tried to decide what will work best in terms of creating a narrative or telling a story. I think the bird motifs are definitely something that I want to have on an embroidery hoop because they create a good sense of narrative, positioning them like they are flying will also be incredibly effective as that will reflect the sense of movement like the noises of the music. I also like the idea of the illustration of the head with the branches coming out of, I could develop this a lot further by adding smaller detail into the design and that would work nicely alongside of the birds. They could be positioned with the birds slightly above the other hoop so it looks like they are flying away.

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