Saturday 21 April 2018

OUGD505: Studio Brief 1 Evaluation

Studio brief 1 has been incredibly enjoyable within both the research aspect and the design aspect. It has been rewarding to create a piece of work to be proud of, especially as it will be presented in an exhibition therefore being confident about the work that will be shown is a great positive. Enjoying the research aspect of a brief is something important because without that interest and enthusiasm from the start, it becomes incredibly difficult to maintain the work ethic and be excited to produce an outcome, this was certainly not an issue with this brief because every aspect was enjoyed. Choosing to create two embroidery hoops was something new, it was a brave idea but something that has been incredibly successful. The outcomes relate to the micro-genre research and the briefs intentions of creating a design piece with a narrative alongside it. The embroidery process was something also enjoyable and this is reflected within the quality of the final outcomes. 

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