Tuesday 17 April 2018

OUGD505: SB2 Finalising Ideas


'I shop cruelty free'
'This bag contains cruelty free'
'I shop for the sake of animals'
'This bag does not test on animals'
'Shop cruelty free like me'
'No animals were harmed in the making of this bag'
'Keep it cruelty free'
'No animals suffered to make me look this good'
'It's cool to be (bee illustration) cruelty free'
'Look for me *bunny logo* to be cruelty free'
'If it's not cruelty free, it's not for me'

Check list
-Look good
-Clear conscience
-Cruelty free

Check list
-Cruelty free

* All bags must have the cruelty free logo on them, from doing the questionnaire this is the one thing people were not 100% sure on.

Karin Akesson

OhHappyDay and Paul Ferney

Image found on Pinterest couldn't find artist

Having done some research into existing canvas tote bag designs, I have decided that this is the best product for my final outcome. I think I can keep these bag designs quite fun and include some catchy slogans on them.

After speaking with Simon, I think these products need to be targeted at people who already shop cruelty free or are in the process of because trying to get these out to a large audience may prove difficult in terms of limitations to where they could be sold/advertised. I will still include the cruelty free logo because again, this came up in my questionnaire that people did not know what it was.

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