Tuesday 9 January 2018

OUGD505- Module Briefing

  • To identify, explore and develop areas of practical, technical and conceptual research in order to produce a body of creative / professional relevant work.
  • To develop specialist knowledge of individual design practices and independent approaches to the investigation of self determined solutions to design briefs.
  • To develop a practical, theoretical and conceptual understanding of technical abilities and their e ective application to individually identi ed design problems.
  • To embed an awareness of the social, cultural, ethical and commercial roles of graphic design and their relationship to an increasingly individual creative practice towards.
  • To develop professional level presentation/communication skills through the selection and use of appropriate content and media. 


    • Practical, technical and conceptual application of design development for 2d, 3d and 4d media
    • The impact of content, audience and context on investigation and selection of appropriate design principles, design directions and visual language including type, layout, format and media.
    • Approaches to professional brief analysis, project planning and resource management
    • Strategies for individually and collaboratively developing, de ning and investigating self-directed concepts in response to negotiated problems of design for communication.
    • Strategic approaches to the development, proposal and production of products/ ranges for cross media distribution.
    • Appropriate considerations of accessibility, usability and legibility when designing for real world audiences, contexts and/or environments. 


      • Develop specialist knowledge of individual design practices.
      • Develop independent approach to the investigation of self determined solutions.
      • Practical, theoretical and conceptual understanding of technical abilities and their e ective application
      • Awareness of the social, cultural, ethical and commercial roles of graphic design
      • Develop professional level presentation/communication skills 

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