Wednesday 31 January 2018

OUGD505: SB 2 Questionnaire and analysis of results

For this brief I have decided creating a questionnaire would be beneficial for my work/outcomes because I can find out a bit more of what other people know about animal testing and cruelty free products. The survey is made up of 7 questions, with all but one being multiple choice to keep it simple and quick for people to answer. From the first glance I think this was a good idea because a lot of people skipped the last question that required text for an answer.  

85% yes

57.50% yes

57.50% no

50/50 yes and no

95% yes

60% no

Analysis of results:

These results have been really helpful and they have let me understand what needs to be made clear/made apparent/known within the campaign/posters.

- Majority do not know if the brands they use are cruelty free

- Majority would be more inclined to shop cruelty free if brands made it clearer

- Half knew that some products contain animal traces within them

- Majority do not know what the cruelty free logo looks like 

I think the most important one to take from this is people not knowing what the cruelty free logo looks like, because if this is the case then its going to be difficult to shop cruelty free because they will be unaware of what to look for on packaging.

So from the results its clear that people do want to shop cruelty free but they find it difficult as they are almost 'uneducated' in the matter, therefore I think creating something that is almost a guide to what to look for when shopping for these kind of products.

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