Monday 15 January 2018

Design Practice 2: Appropriation

Marcel Duchamp- 'Fountain' (1917)

'L.H.O.O.Q' (1919)

Da-da, was questioning the authority of art and art movements, they developed collage as a technique, they played with image forms from magazines and type forms, they used existing imagery therefore appropriation and juxtaposition. 
-Raul Haussmann
-Hannah Hochmann

People looked at this modern movement and looked at it, they thought it was normal but when we look at it now its extremely different. 

-David La Chappelle puts celebrities into bizarre real life, similarity to Andy Warhol

Appropriation in fine art:
  • Question authorship and authenticity
  • Question what art is or can be
  • Investigate process and making
  • To question the value and meaning of mass culture
Cultural Appropriation 

Artefacts, objects,symbols have certain meanings in cultures but then these get appropriated for entertainment and fashion, they get rendered into a commodity and get taken for granted.

Sanaa Hamid
Vouge Arabia 

Critically examines the West, fetishisation of other cultures by the west, they may look like admiration on the outside but deeper meaning of making the West seem more superior.


Banksy- 'Kate' (2005)
AD Busters
Jamie Reid- 'God save the queen' (1977)
Bonnie and Clyde- (2011)


Re-use and over use of old styles

-Stranger Things (Steven King novel, movie style poster taken from Star Wars)
-Stranger and Stranger 

Using resources available in the studio produce work that is informed by the current exploration of appropriation, subversion and parody. Consider carefully how meanings can be changed, skewed or re-contextualised using these techniques.


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