Tuesday 9 January 2018

OUGD505: Choosing A Micro-Genre


Website to choose our micro-genre from
After spending quite a while on this website looking at the various micro-genres of music that were around, I selected some of the ones that I think I would consider my favourites. At first I thought it would be a good idea to select a genre that I hadn't really heard of or really knew the music to, however as I will have to carry out lots of research I don't want to become bored and disinterested with the genre. So below are some micro-genres that interested me and some of them I was unaware bands/artists fell into the genre and a Spotify playlist that I found for the genre, just so I could listen to a few and see what style of music fell into each.









I decided to give myself a lot of options and look into their spotify playlists to see what kind of artists fell into each micro-genre. I think this has worked well for me because I've been able to get a feel for what kind of sound/mood is created from each of these genres, for me music is a lot about mood and feelings so I would be really keen to incorporate this into my design therefore I need to think carefully about which micro-genre is going to excite me the most. At this moment, I'm leaning towards a more folk-like genre because I love the lyrics in folk songs and folk-law and art is something I've got a real interest in so to have the opportunity to create something in this kind of style would really suit my style of work and definitely be something that would keep me motivated to produce the work and carry out the research.

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