Sunday 26 November 2017

OUGD504- Module Evaluation

Design for print and screen have been two really interesting briefs, I feel like they have been incredibly open and free, allowing any kind of design to be used, this is something I really appreciate as I struggle a lot when the briefs are very limited. The completion of both of these briefs have been a difficult task, as I mentioned before in the studio brief 2 evaluation, I did benefit a great from the extra week I had to work on the module as I would of not had as much work to submit compared to what I do now. I am comfortable in saying this module has not been completed to my greatest ability and I am not expecting a very good mark back. However, I am working on myself and I do hope now I have the right support and mind-set in order to complete the rest of the studio brief modules throughout the year.

Out of the two briefs within this module, I have enjoyed brief 2 a lot more, this is because I was able to complete the work using my own idea and not someone else’s. I do think my publication is quite week, I found I became really disinterested in completing this brief as I did find the content quite dry in terms of what I would usually be interested in myself. I think the outcome would have been a lot better if I were completing my own idea, over summer I became very excited to begin working on this publication because I was really interested in what I was going to produce. In terms of working alongside another peer, I did find it quite difficult to start with because the initial idea kept changing so I could have been working on the layout and design at a much earlier stage to what I actually did. Having talks from visiting speakers like GF Smith were incredibly interesting because publication design has always been something I have had a keen interest in so it was nice to see what real designers worked on. In addition, studio brief 2 also provided itself with some challenges, I did find myself getting confused when it came to creating the app, I was keen to use Adobe XD because its something I have never used before but sadly I just did not have the time but its definitely something I would explore in other briefs.

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