Tuesday 14 November 2017

OUGD504- Learning Outcomes

5A5 Aware of information, content, how that influences design decisions, how content and users have changed/informed direction Media chosen ,why is it relevant. App/web/audio/visual, what kind of media is it going to be communicated on, and what are the relevant decisions and things to consider in relation to the media Format, how it’s distributed delivered. Context, what situation it will be consumed in , what aspects of social life it relates to. 5A6 limitations and potential of different production processes stock, etc. (the limitations of the zine and the production of this). Screen based design, relationship with developers. Evaluation, explicit, evaluating in terms it’s potential within the industry. 5B4 Extent of research, research into content. Research into why it is needed, what purpose it fulfils. Practical research - binding/print techniques, finishing etc. Software skills, photoshop animation, analysed and critically evaluated. (an amount of detail and consideration of impact and how it relates to you now and in the future). 5C4 Do the work, use appropriate technologies and appropriate media. Establish why. Justify design decisions. 5C5 Justify design decisions. Technically competent, work that is good, appropriate and it works. App design, demonstrating, the structure, design layout and colours and that these are appropriate and these skills are competent. 5D4 Documenting processes, blog etc. Studio Brief 01 - Design for Print 5-6 design boards (documenting and summarising, concise, design decisions, process, research etc.) Studio Practice Blog PDF Finished Publication Evaluation (any complications/cutting corners/ making allowances, access to technology/materials, be explicit about these in evaluation, also on design boards). Studio brief 02 - Design for Screen 5-6 Design Boards - (Final design board, visual representation of design, explains what design looks like). Studio Practice Blog PDF - Including any moving visual presentations of your design. Evaluation Summative Module Evaluation Blog All posts relating to this module must be labelled ‘OUGD504’. All posts must have a visible date and time. Submission Details Blog must be saved as a PDF and uploaded to dropbox. Submit work in an A3 submission file. Include module submission label - available on e-studio 20th November 10:00 - 12:00 Room 118

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