Sunday 26 November 2017

OUGD504- Design for screen evaluation

Design for screen has been a lot more enjoyable than the previous brief. Although it’s fair to say I have struggles with completing both of these briefs in the given time frame and they are nowhere near to the best of my abilities. I think the second brief has been a lot more enjoyable because I was able to work with my own idea, unlike the previous. Creating an app has been something that I have not yet had an opportunity to complete so I have has the opportunity to learn a lot about what goes into designing for screen. There have been many seminars on this particular brief, filled with content I was not aware of, therefore providing me with an opportunity to learn. Before this brief I was not aware of what ‘user experience’ was, now I feel I have a good understanding of this and feel it will be important to consider with a lot of other briefs I will likely complete throughout the year. The talks from visiting speakers have been incredibly interesting and I have also learnt a lot from these, it has been really interesting to see what kind of work people complete within their own studios, I think this is a really important part of level 5 as it provides us with an opportunity to really gain knowledge of this and know what to do beyond university. When it came to designing the app, I think this is where you can begin to see my real struggle. I spent a lot of time working out what to include within it and really understanding aspects like wireframes and the user experience, however I don’t think my knowledge of this is reflected within the app design. Although my week extension did help an incredible amount with what I was able to complete, I have found completing work a really struggle and I am disappointed that this shows within my final outcome.

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