Saturday 4 August 2018

OUGD503: Idea/Design Development 1

The idea behind these designs were to keep the front cover incredibly minimal and just use the motif of a pigs nose, as I think a lot of people associate animal farm with the pig Neapolitan and make an instant connection. As this book is incredibly famous, it doesn't necessarily need a lot of imagery to make it stand out but the use of the pig nose and the block red colour draws on the storyline and therefore its political storyline too.

At first I decided to use real imagery of a pigs nose, however I was not liking the look this gave as it was quite strange and the typography wasn't working alongside it.

Switching it up to a more illustrated/animated pigs nose gave the book cover a much neater look to it and an all round better appearance. Changing the title to a white coloured font also softened its look and made it less harsh looking. I played around with the positioning and layout of the covers until I was happy with the final way it looked.

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