Monday 6 August 2018

OUGD503: Analysing The Brief

Sustainability Definition:

  1. the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or confirmed.
  2. Environmental Sciencethe quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting naturalresources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance:
The committee is developing sustainability standards for products that use energy.

-Below is what I have found on the universities website on sustainability, hopefully this should make their aim a lot clearer and I can incorporate these ideas into my logo designs.

Leeds Arts University recognises the importance of embedding sustainability within its practices, both operationally and educationally.

We operate within a University Sustainability Framework, which helps educate our students about long-term, cultural, economic and environmental health and vitality, together with the importance of linking social, financial, and environmental well being.
We aim to:
  • Develop and enhance our Estate by identifying opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint and optimise our building systems, fabric and infrastructure to be more energy efficient 
  • Foster inquiry into sustainability through teaching, learning and research 
  • Embed sustainability within the curriculum (environmental– societal, economic) 
  • Ensure our graduates are sustainability literate, equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to live and work in a complex and changing world 
  • Ensure all staff and students are aware of their individual and collective responsibilities regarding sustainable practice 
  • Actively encourage and support student engagement throughout all sustainability developments in the University 
  • Share knowledge across all areas of University activity to raise awareness of and ensure effective participation in sustainability practices 
Our Sustainability Committee plans, supports and monitors the University’s sustainability activity and how it adheres to the University’s Sustainability Framework.

These bullet points explain what the university do in terms of keeping it sustainable, it points out how they encourage staff and students to be more aware of this sustainable mentality and ensure its awareness is kept up to date with.

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