Monday 6 August 2018

OUGD503: Idea Development and Logo Sketches

-The Sustainability Committee

Idea 1:

Conversation logo idea, one speech bubble asks the other about sustainability. This is quite a witty logo, something not too serious but can draw attention to The Sustainability Committee if people are not too familiar with it.

Idea 2 and 3:

Idea of 'growing', the committee is growing, the awareness of sustainability is growing, the activities are growing.

An illustration of a to-do list. Will highlight all the various activities and things that the committee is doing. Simple logo idea but has the potential to become quite unreadable when made into different sizes.

Idea 4

More of a desk scene, still with the notebook alongside it but this is intended to create more of an atmosphere. Again as my annotations say, this could become too complicated.

Idea 5:

The simplest logo design out of the 5. A sun shape has lots of positive connotations surrounding it, it also links with the sustainability idea. If I were to develop this further, I think I would perhaps turn the sun beams into the various activities that the committee have to offer.

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