Monday 6 August 2018

OUGD503: Final Logo's

Logo 1:

Out of the different variations I have designed for this logo, I have decided to go with this one. Mostly down to the colours used within this logo, I think they are all on the earthy side therefore link in with sustainability. The logo is of good quality therefore if it needed to be shrunk or blown up then it should still look of a high standard.

Logo 2:

This is the final design I went for with the second logo, I chose this because the colours all compliment each other and again it is a high quality logo so like the other one, if it needed to be blown up any more or shrunk it wouldn't loose its quality. The only thing with this logo is I had the intention to have each sun beam text of the various activities the sustainability committee have to offer, however I could not find any evidence of these anywhere so the logo is not quite how I would have wanted it to be.

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