Monday 6 August 2018

OUGD503: Logo Development 1

Refined sketches of the cactus plant that I intend to use on the logo. I did a few variations to work out which would be the neatest.

I then took these into Photoshop where I could refine the plant and add colour to it. Above shows some variations of colours used on the plant. I wanted to keep a colour scheme of mostly green to tie into the sustainability aspect of the logo.
On the pots of the plants, I have added on each one the sustainability committee so people can instantly know what the logo is for and why it may be placed around the university as there are already a lot of posters around the building.


To make the logo more accessible to different materials and forms, I have made it into a circle shape. This way the logo can be used with or without the circle and can offer itself to different formats.

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