Saturday 22 October 2016

Milton Keynes Gallery Re-Brand

Screenshot from MK gallery website
In 2011, Sara De Bondt re-branded and re-designed the Milton Keynes Gallery. She needed to create an identity without using a specific colour pallet; typeface or logo therefore took to the identity of Milton Keynes and found a strong connection to grids and structure. The designs are based on an aerial view of Milton Keynes, which instantly enables a strong connection between the public and the town. Allowing them to associate their identity with themselves and the town to the identity of the gallery instead of being fixed to a logo or a particular type or colour scheme. This engages the gallery more to the people in the town who are not perhaps into art but can connect with the aesthetics and history of the building, proving that this still works with all the typical elements taken away. De Bondt has created a clever identity without relying on the conventional rules of design and marking the gallery with a logo that is featured on everything whereas the identity is more fluid and a range of design, colour and font is used.

“Speaking of the design, Anthony Spira, MK Gallery Director said: These large-scale, bold, colourful designs, are intended to make our building more visible and arouse people’s curiosity about the lively and exciting programme being presented inside our building.


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