Tuesday 18 October 2016


These are my initial designs and ideas for the Logotype, I have just started off by experimenting with the regular, bold and italic style font to try and see which works the best for the logo. It is important to keep in mind the target audience and type of company the logotype is for, for example immediately the italic font does not work for the established and sophisticated type of book shop I am creating and it would not work in context on the shop sign or website. The font in capitals is also quite difficult to read, especially with there being 3 d's within the word and if the kerning is very close together it again makes the word look confusing to read. I think the most successful designs are the ones in the regular font style- the bold font looks too harsh for the style of company, whereas the regular style has a more softer and established look to it.

Figure 1

Critique feedback:
  • Try putting a full stop or comma at the end of the word to resemble the meaning off the word- passing time aimlessly. The full stop would show the stopping of time to relax and read a book, the comma, pausing for a break to read  a book. 
  • Experiment more with the kerning- try the logotype looking more informal.
  • Perhaps look into concrete poetry.
  • Try experimenting with the weight of the type.

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