Monday 10 October 2016

Kerning Task

The impact of kerning on a brand is important as the logo typeface becomes the brand identity therefore has to appeal to the target audience, informing the consumer of the brands identity.

TASK: Using 4 letters, two uppercase and two lowercase, arrange them in a way to fit an identity of a particular type of brand.

1) Luxury car brand
Figure 1
Our group decided that a luxury car brands logo should be evenly spaced and quite close together to fit the back of a car without it looking squashed. For a luxury company the logo would be neat and straight to highlight the luxury and wealth for the consumer when purchasing the car.

2) Budget supermarket
Figure 2

Looking at existing budget supermarkets, we saw they're usually short and simple so we took away a letter and just kept the letters very basic and evenly spaced. Budget supermarkets have become very competitive so keeping the logo very simple and 'cheap' looking will instantly inform the customer that it is affordable.

3) Condom company 
Figure 3
The key ideas for this logo was to create something playful so the letters are on a slant and don't follow a straight line. They are also closer together than the previous to maintain the playful and friendly image of the condom brand. It is also important to keep the logo safe and trustworthy looking which the consumer will also be looking for when purchasing the product.

4) Indie band
Figure 4
This needed to be very quirky and different as that is the image indie bands wish to give out to their listeners therefore our group decided the letters should be alternate capitals and lowercase, with the lowercase underneath the capitals. The logo type is also quite playful and not to a strict grig system yet we kept them evenly spaced so there was still some kind of structure to the logo.

5) IT company
Figure 5
Two capital letters to show the companies seriousness and uniformity. They exist to connect people hence why the letters have quite close kerning but not touching- this highlights the companies connectivity without it being too playful and informal.

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