Sunday 23 October 2016

Logotype- Responses to group and class critique

Using the points and ideas I got feedback for from the group critique these are the responses drawing from what was said about the initial ideas. The most obvious thing that makes these designs different is the addition of the full stops and commas, this simple alteration has improved the design greatly and gives it a lot more personality and meaning as a logotype for a bookstore. I started to experiment with the use of drop-cap, however I think the spacing between the letters could be improved but I do not think this will be achieved by hand so producing sketches may work better.

These are the hand drawn traced designs I have experimented with, it is clear the drop-cap works very well and I am able to see if even spaced or close together kerning is most successful. The designs that are not even on the baseline create an engaging logo type for a book shop and would be interesting to take forward. 

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