Monday 27 March 2017

Print Experiments and Final Crit

These are some experiments with the different hand designs, I decided to experiment with colour because it would give me more of an idea what the full print would look like instead of just black and white as it will look completely different with the two colours. The composition of the text and the image is very important because it will still need to remain legible as it will be exhibited and I don't want the image to loose any focus because it is important in terms of the message and meaning behind the print. Within the crit feedback it was suggested to me that I should put some dates on the print, when each event happened and where, I thought this was a good idea because now I can create something that looks like a gig poster which is an interesting approach because it relates back to the theme of celebrating something that has taken place in Leeds. Although this poster does have names of various other places I think it is important they are included on it because it is an event celebrated all over the country, especially with it being such an important issue.

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