Saturday 11 March 2017

Book Covers With Imagery

Not my favourite design now images have been added to the front cover, I think the shade of red is slightly too bright, although it makes the spine stand out on the bookshelf but the colour also may put people off because it's slightly too sickly

I like how this design has a strong theme of red featured on the front and along the spine, the red socks on the front cover hint at the symbolism of the socks within the book, giving some insight into the story line. The slightly worn and old colour of the background emphasises that Adrian's diary is an ongoing thing, it has been written in plenty of times (maybe link to the fact the family does not have a lot of money?) 

This design is beginning to look like what I envisioned it to, the crumbled up background will appeal to the teenage audience because it's not just a block of solid colour, even though I have used a strip of red down the spine, just for aesthetic reasons and to tie in with the red socks on the front cover. Again I have just used the same motifs on the cover design just to reference the storyline. I think the typography on this cover is slightly boring, I much prefer the 3D type on the cover because it mixes them up a bit and appeals primarily to the younger audience.

This cover design is the boldest I have designed, the solid block of red does make the cover stand out against the others, however against the black lettering and black fine-liner drawings the background becomes a little too much and it looses the kind of style I want it to have. 

Currently standing as my favourite design, I will develop this further and play around with the layout in order to work out which final one works the best

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