Wednesday 22 March 2017

Initial print ideas


My initial thought for my A3 print was to have some kind of symbol/motif on it, the idea that appealed to me most was hands. I thought hands would be a good symbol of coming together, to me it brings about connotations of unity and peace- the joining together of people against racism. The image on the left represents the various hands of the crowd that would of been at the gig, the fact that all of the hands and arms are up in the air represents the idea of celebration and the fact they are trying to beat racism. The 'rock' hand symbol is pretty much self explanatory, the event is called rock against racism therefore it would only be appropriate to use this hand symbol on the print. The bottom right hand plays more on the idea of peace, the dashed finger outline shows what should be, the middle finger hand is acting as a stand up to the racism but not quite reached the idea of peace yet.

Some layout experiments in terms of the image and text on the print. 

It was suggested within group crit that I experiment with the actual text, try cutting it up and changing it around. However, I think this type is very distinctive to the event and it has obviously been used for a reason. It is quite a complicated typeface and I like it's unique-ness against other existing typefaces, ultimately making it stand out (for a positive reason). 

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