Thursday 4 April 2019

OUGD603: Brief 6- Tote Bag Research

As part of this brief is not only to create a design that looks nice, it is also to encourage shoppers to use tote bags over plastic bags. As this is an obvious to point to make because the cutting down in plastic waste is becoming so important now, I also wanted to look into the advances of carrying tote bags and if there are any long/short term benefits of them. Therefore this means my brief is led by some background research and I am aware of the benefits of this and can apply them to my design.

The advantages of using eco friendly tote bags

  • The first advantage when using reusable grocery bags is that you can use them again and again. Therefore, instead of buying a new plastic bag every time you go shopping, you reuse the tote bag you already have.
  • Another important benefit is that they avoid the negative impact on the environment by reducing the amount of paper or plastic. In this way, they help reduce the production of paper while also reducing cutting down trees. Therefore, it helps us protect the environment.
  • Also, these bags are very durable since they are cotton-based ones. Therefore, you can wash them together with the rest of your clothes.
  • Since this type of bags is recyclable, this means they are also biodegradable. Therefore, you should throw away all your plastic bags and replace them with eco-friendly tote bags.
  • Plastic bags pose a great threat to wildlife since many animals eat plastic bags without realizing the harm. This can cause digestive problems or even their death. Furthermore, small animals can even get tangled and trapped by them, causing severe injuries. Sometimes plastic bags also reach rivers or other water sources where they can pose a great threat to marine creatures.
  • Tote bags also help you save more money since you will no longer need to spend on numerous plastic bags every time you go shopping.
  • Another advantage would be the fact that cotton-based bags are ideal for imprinting. This material is highly receptive to ink transfer. Once it is set, the ink will resist flaking or fading. It will even stay put as you wash the bag. Hence, you may imprint a nice quote you love or your favourite logo.

I will also do further research when purchasing my own tote bags for printing onto to ensure I am buying the most eco friendly ones.

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