Monday 1 April 2019

OUGD603: Brief 5- Final Logo and Business Cards

These are the final outcomes for the business cards that were printed for Julia. They were printed in the Digital Print room within the university; therefore they are of high quality and standard, something that is important for business cards because they will be handed out to potential clients in order to gain work. From the out set, Julia knew she wanted to include images of her own photography work on the back of the business cards to show clients her existing work and to ensure the cards were fun and interesting. I think this has worked successfully, because the client will be handed her card with one side a stunning photograph, and the other side all the necessary information they need if they wish to contact her. The mix of having both portrait and landscape images further makes the cards more interesting, whilst still remaining user friendly. Overall, I think this collaboration brief has been a complete positive experience as there were never any conflicting issues and both me and Julia carefully listened to each other’s ideas and I ensured I created a set of business cards that she would be happy to hand out to clients for potential work. It has also been positive as we have remained in contact and if either of us needed a photographer or graphic designer for any help, we would not hesitate to contact each other.

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