Wednesday 3 April 2019

OUGD603: Brief 3- Back Cover Development

I decided to start developing the back cover first as I had more ideas of what I wanted to do for it over the front cover. To stick with the space theme, I chose to create some constellation shapes using the line tools to act as a reference to the overall theme and create something interesting to have on the back cover as the existing cover was very plain.

I then added in some star brush splatters as the page with the constellations looked quite plain and I wanted something that would really stand out as a back cover.

The images below are experiments with the typography and positioning of the text on the back cover.

Having 'The International Bestseller' in bold instantly grabs the audience's attention to the book cover, it makes it an enticing book and shows how successful it has been.

The more information and images being added to the back cover with the constellations in the background makes it a lot more difficult to read, this is something that needs to be avoided for a children's cover as you still want to make it as legible as possible.

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