Wednesday 3 April 2019

OUGD603: Brief 3- Final Cover and Mock Up

As I had developed the book cover into multiple outcomes, I thought carefully about which design worked best and which responded to the brief set by Penguin. The design I think shows a good understanding of the marketplace and has a point of difference from other books because I think the design comes across as really unique compared to the others as it has both digital and hand drawn elements to it, therefore automatically standing out from any other books on the shelf. Although the cover is very busy, the typography and text is still all very legible which is an important element to consider for any book, not just a children’s book as the imagery draws attention to the book but readers will still often look to the blurb and reviews at the back. The overall space theme of the cover ties in directly to the story and I think children are often drawn to ‘out of space’. Overally, I am pleased with the outcome of this brief and belive it has been successful, I have created a design for this award for 3 consecutive years and have really enjoyed doing so each time. The book cover design is creative, colourful and eye-catching, responding to each pointers of the brief and what the judges are looking for in the winner. 

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