Monday 24 April 2017

Studio Brief 3- Individual group crit

From this group crit between just our group and Ben, we again made a lot of changes to our exhibition again. It was soon made clear to us that none of our ideas actually flow and link together because we chose the name stamped but then our ideas for the flyer and invitation did not match up with the same idea of stamped. We still really wanted to keep the receipt idea because that was our strongest idea that was carried through from the beginning. The idea of disposability and public spaces was starting to look like the main focus for the exhibition, from this it was suggested to change the name to fit more with the receipt idea instead of just stamped which only related to the idea of print. 

We started to discuss names that had some relation to 'free', again linking with the exhibition itself and disposability. We didn't want to call the exhibition 'free' because it didn't link the idea of print and public spaces at all and was more tacky sounding. Georgia then found a receipt in her purse that had 'thank you call again' at the top of it, although it could be seen as quite cringey, it does add humour to it and directly links to the receipt idea. It also relates to the fact the exhibition isn't there for a long time so you will have to be quick.

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