Thursday 6 April 2017

Leeds Print Festival at Colours May Vary

After being unable to attend Leeds Print Festival, during the week after it I visited Colours May Vary where they had a small exhibition on various screen prints, including lots of music related ones. I really liked the majority of these prints as they were much more than just two colours, which can be  a lot more interesting to look at in terms of colour.

This print was created by Ryan Doyle of DR.ME, it is a screen print with a vinyl layer over the top. I think this print has got a lot more depth to it, if it were just a screen print it would of been quite boring but the almost glittery vinyl lettering on top creates something more appealing to look at.

This other screen print caught my eye mostly due to the colours, it is by artist Rob Bailey who I further researched after seeing this print as I had never heard of him before. 

Bailey is a Manchester based illustrator who uses only vector images within his work, he developed his own style using a mix of colour combination and geometric elements to depict an array of animated characters. 


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